Category: Beavers
This weekend some of the Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts (plus their parents) took part in the 55th District Parent & Child Camp at Earleywood on the theme of Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité. In spite of the weather (!) everyone had a great time completing different challenges on a French theme e.g. oeuf et cuillere (egg…
Every week we offer Scouting to more than 130 young people in Sunningdale and we’re able to do this because we’ve opened two Squirrel Dreys and a second Beaver Colony, because 14 more adults joined us as leaders – that’s almost 50% more young people than we had three years ago! But success breeds success…
Another hectic and frenetic P&C camp took place at Earleywood this September. In the end we had 26 adults and young people attending. There were all the activities that we’d expect. The Crew Challenge on Saturday was to build the Coliseum. This we did and also put on a fabulous gladiator fight and Chariot Race,…
Beavers from 1st Sunningdale visited Silwood Park, part of Imperial College. They had an exciting hour taking a look at bugs and creepy crawlies using magnifying glasses and microscopes.
There was a good representation of Beavers and Cubs at the Harvest Festival service this morning at Holy Trinity Church, Sunningdale. Harry King and Oscar Whittaker (both Cubs) took part in the service, saying prayers and doing one of the readings, whilst the Beavers made a bright turquoise line as they took our supermarket vouchers…
We started the term with being able to meet face to face but we were restricted in terms of the number we were allowed to have at our sessions. We split into 2 bubbles and held our sessions at Earlywood. It was great to be back together and especially enjoying be outdoors. There was lots…
Tent erection practice at Earlywood – a fun race to see who could put tents up the fastest!
Our last session of the summer term involved lots of our favourite things. We were at Earleywood, which is a fantastic outdoor Scouting Campsite. It is huge and has so many places to explore and things to. Prior to tonight we have enjoyed being there doing crazy golf, orienteering, obstacle courses, bug hunts and many…