Twenty Four for ’24



Why we’re launching our Twenty Four for ’24 campaign…..

Of the 73 young people on our waiting list, 60 are age eligible and could JOIN TOMORROW if we had space. Unfortunately, all our sections are full. Places depend on capacity and only become available if a child in the Group decides to leave OR a parent volunteers/steps forward to help lead. This is where you come in. As the vast majority of young people stay with us, we are only able to take in a few children each year from the waiting list. But, by signing up as an adult volunteer, your child can SKIP THE WAITING LIST altogether and get stuck in with all that Scouting has to offer, immediately!

What we are looking to do….

We are keen to open up a second weekly session for several of our sections, which will allow for many more young people to join us, but this is only possible with SIGNIFICANTLY MORE ADULT HELP! We would run the same programme across both sections, sharing the planning etc between all the volunteers (current and new), as many hands certainly make light work!

Is it Tricky Becoming a Leader

No, it’s not. Have a look here: What’s Involved in Becoming a Leader – 1st Sunningdale Scouts

The process is really straightforward and there is loads of help if you need it from current leaders. In fact, you might want to have a look here to see why some of our current leaders volunteered.

30 on the waiting list are age-eligible, with a further 10 more who will turn 4 years old in the next 12 months.

ACTION Wednesday Drey – 4.30pm – 5.30pm. Limited to 18 Squirrels due to lack of leaders to meet the adult to children ratios required by The Scout Association. Additional leaders needed: 2

ACTION Set up a second Squirrel Drey on a Friday- Run a 6 week Challenge, starting with taster session for parents & Squirrels. Ask for adult volunteers for the following 4 weeks to be part of the team and see how it works. On the sixth week, see if there are sufficient volunteers for the second Squirrel Drey to continue, or if not, the second Drey will stop. Training and support will be provided throughout the 6 Week Challenge by experienced leaders. New leaders needed: 6

Beavers Logo

10 on the waiting list are age-eligible, however 8 of the current Squirrels need to move up to Beavers in January 2024, as they will be 6 years old.

ACTION Monday Colony – 5.15-6.15pm. Limited numbers due to lack of leaders. Additional leaders needed: 2

ACTION Set up a second Beaver Colony – on a Tuesday – Again run a 6 week Challenge, along the same lines as the Squirrels. New leaders needed: 5

Cubs Logo

5 on the waiting list are age-eligible, however 10 of the current Beavers need to move up to Cubs over the next 6 months.

ACTION Monday Pack – 6.30-8.00pm. We currently have 30 Cubs. Additional leaders needed: 1

ACTION Set up a second Cub Pack – on a Tuesday – Again run a 6 week Challenge. New leaders needed: 4

Scout Logo

15 on the waiting list are age-eligible, however 10 of the current Cubs need to move up to Scouts over the next 6 months. We will review the situation again in 6-12 months, depending on how many adults volunteer and decide if we need a second Scout troop

ACTION Thursday Troop – 7.30-9.00pm – New leaders needed: 2

Explorers Logo

We are very fortunate to have a thriving Explorer unit, and again we will review the situation in 6-12 months.

ACTION Friday Explorers – 7.30-9.00pm – New leaders needed: 2

We know this is an extremely ambitious plan, but with such a high demand for Scouting in Sunningdale we are very keen to include as many young people as we can.

Want to Find Out More?

Are you up for the challenge? Are you one of the Twenty Four? Do you know someone who might be?

We’re looking for enthusiastic adults that would like to get stuck in and experience all that Scouting has to offer, to join us and make our plans a reality.

If you, or anyone you know, would like to find out more about what is involved after reading through our plan for each section (below), please contact me: (07714 245494) and I’d be happy to chat on the phone and/or meet for a coffee and tell you more.