Section Leaders

Hilary Crofton

Hilary Crofton

Joint Group Scout Leader

I became a Leader at 1st Sunningdale in 2005 when my youngest was in Beavers. The Colony was under threat of closure because there wasn’t anyone to run it.
I had been a Queen’s Guide when I was growing up and thoroughly enjoyed camping and outdoor activities. Hard to believe nowadays, but the camping permit I had as a 14-year-old Patrol Leader allowed me to do more than my Leader’s camping permit does today! I had such a great time being a Guide, that I wanted all my children to have the same experience.
Fifteen years later I’m still here, having moved to Cubs and taken on the role of Joint Group Scout Leader with James. I love everything Scouting offers Young People and believe it’s just as relevant and important today as it has always been – probably even more so.
We have a great team of Leaders at 1st Sunningdale, helping provide fantastic opportunities for everyone involved. I’m extremely proud of everything we achieve together.

James Wood

James Wood

Joint Group Scout Leader

I’ve been a Scout Leader for over 16 years, joining 1st Sunningdale in 2015. Why did I join? Having been a Cub, Scout and Venture Scout when young, I knew the problem with Scouting is not the young people not wanting to take part but the lack of Adults willing to volunteer their time to run the meetings, and I promised my eldest child that I would be their scout leader when they became a scout. I now have all three kids in 1st Sunningdale, enjoying all the activities that the sections are providing.
I, like the scouts, enjoy walks with a purpose – a Hike, with the purpose being “eat chips”, burning stuff, cooking outdoors and camping. Our annual trips to Wintercamp and participating in JOTI/JOTA allow the Young People to meet others from around the globe who are also in the worldwide family of Scouting. I can highly recommend joining us on a camp or two, where the adults sit around the campfire enjoying a cheeky medium rare steak and baked camembert in a sourdough loaf – once the little cherubs are tucked up safe in their tents – not asleep, they don’t get to sleep until about 4am on camp, but tucked up in their tents at least.
For the last couple of years I have been Joint Group Scout Leader with Hilary, working with all the sections and the committee to provide the best experiences for all involved with 1st Sunningdale, Young People, Leaders and adult volunteers alike.

Christian Leigh

Christian Leigh

Leader, Explorers

I’ve been part of 1st Sunningdale since 2010, when one of my sons joined Beavers. When an existing Leader left I saw that help was going to be needed to keep Beavers running and so I volunteered. I was never a Scout when younger but it wasn’t a difficult choice – it was obvious the Beavers and the Leaders were all having so much fun that I didn’t want to miss out! And the enjoyment of being a Leader has carried on since then. I get to do new things with a great team of other Leaders, and the break from work and seeing how we help the young people learn and have new experiences is well worth the effort I put in.
I changed to be a Cub Leader for a while and now I’m an Explorer Leader, which I helped set up as 1st Sunningdale didn’t have that Section. Since Explorers started in 2018 we have gone from 4 boys to over 20 boys and girls, and are now one of the largest and most active in the area. I’ve always been an outdoor person and I like to take the Explorers on trips they might not have an opportunity to do. I’ve been trained through the Scout Association as a mountain leader and to supervise remote expeditions, and so our trips have included wild camps on beaches and in the mountains, overnight sea kayaking expeditions, caving, hammock camps, and cliff climbs, to name just a few. And as I get to do all this with a great group Leaders and Explorers – many of whom have come all the way up from being Beavers – I’m still having fun!

Sarah Targett

Sarah Targett

Leader, Cubs

I have been a Leader at 1st Sunningdale since 2016, starting initially with Beavers and then moving up to Cubs. In those years I’ve had a lot of fun and enjoyment working with both sections experiencing an amazing range of activities. Both my daughter and son have enjoyed Scouting with 1st Sunningdale.
When I first joined, the Beaver section was under threat of closure. I would not have thought of myself as leader material, but I really wanted my children to experience all that Scouting had to offer so I thought I’d give it a go. It is an opportunity that I’m glad I took. I was offered training and support to take on the role and soon came to realise that I was part of a team and that I thrived on all the energy and enthusiasm the Young People bought to the activities.

Johnnie Shannon

Johnnie Shannon

Leader, Explorers

I got a lot out of Scouts when I was a youngster and really appreciated the time and effort the leaders put in. When my oldest reached 6 years old in 2020, I thought now was the time to put something back (and beat the waiting list at the same time :-). Getting set up as a Section Assistant was pretty straightforward; a few online training courses and DBS check. It’s been great being with Explorers; planning challenging outdoor exercises; wild camping and experiencing some truly magnificent/horrifyingly large camp fires. It’s been a real pleasure to get to know the other leaders and to work with the young adults in Explorers.

Jenny Lynch

Leader, Beavers

I am excited to be joining the Beavers as a Section Assistant! Growing up I had some fantastic opportunities and experiences as a Brownie and Guide. I was fortunate enough to have some inspirational leaders who I still remember today. From campfires and raft building to cake baking and first aid, having fun whilst getting some skills for life was formative for me. It’s my chance to give something back now and I’m sure my two children will get as much out scouting as I did

Andrew Hill

Andrew Hill

Leader, Beavers

I joined as a Section Assistant in the spring of 2021 following my son having joined Beavers. Having never gone through Scouts as a child I was rather unaware of what the experience of Beavers / Cubs / Scouts is like but it was evident from very quickly after my son joined that he got so much from it with the activities and the friends he was making. I wanted to help out if I could and share in the great experiences that my son was having. It has been excellent to see the enthusiasm that the children in Beavers have for their weekly sessions and it is wonderful to see their skills and confidence grow..

George Jezard

Leader, Scouts

I’ve been involved in 1st Sunningdale since I first joined back in 2008. Since then I have worked my way through every section including being a Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader in Scouts. Throughout that time I thoroughly enjoyed the residential trips offered to us, from camping on Brownsea Island to Winter Camp and encourage the young people who haven’t been yet to definitely do so.
I’m grateful for the opportunity given to me by James and Hilary to become a Scout leader and help pass on the vital skills I learnt as a young person in this movement. Namely First Aid training and camp cooking skills have proven more than useful over the years.
After completing nearly 14 years in Scouting by the time I left the Explorer section I opted to remain with 1st Sunningdale rather than become a Network Scout. Simply because this Scout Group has been a part of my life since before I can remember. The team of leaders who support the various sections within first Sunningdale are some of the most supportive individuals I’ve ever met and will strive to give the young people access to every opportunity the Scout movement can offer them.

Emma Simpson-Goodall

Leader, Cubs

I joined 1st Sunninghill Cubs in early 2022, after moving to the area the previous year. Having settled into a new routine of home and work life, I felt that something was lacking so looked at local volunteering opportunities. My memory was jogged when reading a local issue of the Parish magazine of Scouting and the brilliant work that they do.

As a child, I attended Brownies and Guides and enjoyed all the experiences that these bought. Putting two and two together, I contacted Scouts about local volunteering opportunities. I was put in contact with 1st Sunninghill Cubs, attended my first meeting (a hike across a golf course at night!) and never looked back.

Since joining I’ve had the opportunity to go camping, helping to organise activities and help with fundraising events, as well as the weekly sessions and their exciting activities with our young people. I believe that in the current climate of a post-Covid modern world, any opportunity for young people to get out and about, exploring the great outdoors, getting muddy and learning new non-screen based skills is vital. Scouting helps to make that happen, and I help by being part of it.

Isabel Sotomayor

Leader, Cubs

I joined 1st Sunningdale last year 2021, as I wanted to avoid the waiting list to join Beavers. I wanted to volunteer for Beavers because I knew my son will be too worried to join without knowing anyone. Unfortunately most Beavers parents already offer to do exactly  that, so there was a surplus of volunteers. Hillary contacted me to see if I can help at Cubs, which I say: “Yes, why not?”
I was a girl guide myself when younger and I had lots of fun, so I was hoping my children will join and enjoy it too. As family we have done tons of camping and going for walks and trying to take my boys as much as we can outdoors. I enjoy the outdoors, I love campfires, I love gardening, I have done a Forest School training and I also love all things crafty which I’m trying to pass on to Cubs. 
My son didn’t join at the end, but I’m hoping my youngest son will be a Beaver next year. Fingers crossed!! This opportunity is great for all children and adults too. I have enjoyed volunteering for Cubs and I’m looking forward to our next term.
The Scouts Association has run for many years now and I do believe the ethos is still very much relevant nowadays.

Wendy Morton

Leader, Squirrels

I was involved in Guiding throughout my childhood, from a Brownie to becoming a Guider and running my own rainbow unit at 18. It gave me the opportunity to do so many amazing activities, regularly attend camps and travel internationally. I had my 18th birthday at the 19th World Scout Jamboree in Chile and completed service projects in both Thailand and Uganda.

As the mum of three boys my options in Guiding were somewhat limited (!!) so it was time to move into Scouting. Initially i was not able to help on a weekly basis due to my young family so volunteered as a parent representative on the Executive Committee. When the opportunity arose for us to start a Squirrels unit which my youngest could be a part of, I felt the time was right to get back in uniform. I now have a Squirrel, Cub and Scout and hope we will all remain involved and continue to have amazing experiences and adventures for many years to come.