
Thank you so much for helping us achieve our goal and safeguarding the future of 1st Sunningdale Scouts. With our first Quiz Night, the bike sales, RBWM grant, our link with easyfundraising, the Bags2School clothing collections and the generous donations below, we’re off to a GREAT start….

If you would like to make a donation to 1st Sunningdale Scouts you can do this by making a bank transfer (BACS) to our account below

1st Sunningdale Scout Group
Account number 30068969
Sort code 20-45-45

Also, if eligible, whether donating with JustGiving or bank transfer, please could you complete the attached Gift Aid declaration, so we can claim an extra 25 pence for every pound you donate from HMRC.


Many Thanks to Our Donors

Thank you very much to the Ascot Round Table who have kindly donated a further £1,000 to our New Hut fund.

We were very grateful to receive a £2,000 donation from The Horace Moore Charitable Trust.

Thank you very much to Urenco, who have donated £750 to our New Hut fund.

We’ve had a very kind and generous donation from the Ascot Round Table following their collection at the Ascot Racecourse Firework Display. We’ve used part of their donation to buy some much needed extra tents, ahead of our Group Camp in May, and the rest (£800) has been added to our new hut fund. Thank you very much

Thank you to Micky King for securing £150 from his company as “fund matching”.

Well done to Grant Wyatt (our Treasurer) who refurbished a couple of donated PC’s and raised £97 by selling them on eBay.

Every year the Sunningdale Golf Club Staff Social Committee have a Tombola and they donate the proceeds to a local charity if possible. This year one of our parents, Jamie Wilson, asked if the committee could help with the new Scout Hut project. We are honoured to report the committee agreed, and they very kindly split this year’s proceeds between 1st Sunningdale Scouts and the British Heart Foundation and we received £400 for the new hut from them. Thank you VERY much!

Christian, one of our Leaders, had a Big Birthday in November.  In honour of this important event some of his friends donated to the new Scout Hut appeal in recognition of his 10+ years as a Leader, first with Beavers, then Cubs and now Explorer Scouts, raising a tremendous £220 – many thanks!

We’d also like to thank all the friends of local resident Carl Beetham who have made donations to the new Scout Hut too, raising a fantastic £450 – thank you VERY much!

Jacob being invested into Beavers

Thank you, Lucy Butcher, parent of Jacob who was a former Beaver Scout in 2013, for the generous donation of £500. “Jacob really enjoyed his time in Beavers and it is a worthy cause, which I am glad to support”.

AFS Logo

Thank you Ian Kopperman, parent of Tom – a current Cub, for sponsoring a round at our first quiz night in aid of the hut. “It is such a great cause and Tom enjoys & benefits from Cubs so much. AFS are happy to support grass roots projects & we wanted to provide some additional support in kick starting the fund-raising.”

Thank you so much for the £1,000 from John Connelly, a local resident living close to the Scout Hut. John has been involved with Scouting for over 25 years, first as a Scout and then as a Leader. And his thoughts on our new hut project… “It’s a great idea!”